
Collection of photographs. Most of them were taken by a CANON 60D during Yinda Xu’s leisure time.

NOTE: all photos within this page are protected by a CC BY-NC 4.0 license. See the detail at the bottom of this page.

Bell Accompanied by the Landscape of Autumn, Beijing, China

An iron bell hanging in the foreground with a colorful landscape of autumn in the background, taken during a mountain hiking in the Xishan National Forest Park of Beijing.



Sun Rising Taken from Zhoushan Island, Zhoushan, China

Sun rising with industrial ships crossing the light.



Morning at Marseille-Saint-Charles, Marseille, France

A view inside the train station, casting through the rails and extending to their extremity, where a TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse), the French high-speed train, was entering the station. Taken in the early morning, and synthesized with High Dynamic Range (HDR) technique.



Notre-Dame de la Garde, Marseille, France

The Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde, taken from a platform outside the train station Marseille-Saint-Charles.



Vieux-Port, Marseille, France

Le Vieux-port (the old port) in Marseille.



Area of Neuschwanstein Castle, Schwangau, Germany

Photo taken from a balcony of the Neuschwanstein Castle during the autumn season.



Petite France, Strasbourg, France

La Petite France in Strasbourg, with the reflection of ancient buildings.



Eave of an Ancient Building, Beijing, China

The eave of a building within the Beijing Temple of Confucius



Gate Tower of Tiananmen in the Evening, Beijing, China

Gate Tower of Tiananmen with the national emblem of P. R. China centered in the middle of the image. Taken with the body leaning on a hurdle, with a tiny tripod standing against my shoulder, and with multiple times of exposures (finally one of them was clear enough).



Flag Raising Ceremony on the Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China

The moment where a soldier from the Beijing Garrison Honor Guard Battalion unrolled the Five-star Red Flag. A team of officers were saluting uniformly to the flag.

Sadly, the ISO was too high otherwise the shutter speed would not be fast enough to capture the very short moment of unrolling without motion blur. Hopefully, nowdays we have a bunch of powerful and off-the-shelf AIGC tools which may help to denoise this photo.

Reference: Beijing Garrison Honor Guard Battalion



Overhead View of Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

For reaching the view point, one needs to start from the library of Yuquan Campus and climb several hundreds of steps of the Laohe mountain.




Yinda Xu's Collection of Photographs by Yinda (Frédéric) Xu (许胤达) is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

Source of licensing: CC license chooser